Thursday, November 30, 2017

"God Loves Us"
Have You Ever Noticed
The Way God Always Finds A Way For Every Thing
Every Little Living Creature, He Finds Them A Home
It Is The Way Of The World He Loves Us
He Loves Us And We Can Rest In That Knowledge
You Can Sit Down And Rest Knowing He Will Find A Way For You
Somewhere, Somwhow, God Will Provide For You
You Can Rest Knowing He Will Take Care Of You
If You Don't Know What To Do That Is Okay Just Be Still
God May Need Time To Figure Out What Is Going On But Be Patient
He Will Help You If A Door Closes Another Is Opening Up
These Things Happen For A Reason You Have To Be At Peace
If You're Talking To God He Wants To Talk To You Too
We Oughtn't Fight The Ways He Wants Things To Go
You Help Things Grow He Loves Us And Helps Us Grow
That's All Anyone Can Do He Will Nurture Us
It's The Way Of The World Be At Peace
God Loves Us
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

"Cooking To Save The World"
Cooking and Eating A Pot Of Soup Together Would Solve World Peace
If People From Different Nations Would Come Together And Cook Things
Bringing Their National Flavors Herbs and Vegetables and Techniques Together
It Could Start At a Summit Or Comittee, Call It "Stone Soup":
You Put A Stone In The Bottom Of A Pot Of Boiling Water and say a Prayer.
 Every Country Could Contribute, Bringing One Vegetable Each To A Pot Of Soup
And Work Together To Create A Really Delicious Soup
Then Everybody There Could Eat It Together As One
The Vegetables Could Come From Their Unique Nationalities
Don't Talk, Just Cook.  And Together Just Make Some Really Good International Food
Cooking Together Would Save The World, Bringing World Peace
And People Could Work On Problems Afterward
But All People Really love sharing recipes and eating good food
We Could Share Our Food With Each Other
And Come Up With Some Really Yummy Food!
I Call It "Cooking For The World"
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Stars Are Burning Still and Bright
Awake In My Little Den I am Home
I don't have to look at them to know they are shining
Alive and bright in the night they go on and on
Many Moons I have wandered to land on this Island
This Little Oasis that I call my home
All Far and Near Things coming or going away
And things we cannot understand
Things missing that may never be discovered
Are Waiting silently in the night
Things People don't understand and things Unknown
and Things that are blinking out of life
Things that are passing out of being softly
Like the melting of gentle newfallen snow
The lives that came and gone are sleeping
In the folds of the earth as all of us must go
The stars are burning on and on
Never ending in their constellations
I look up at them and my mind is filled with wonder
All unuttered prayers and unearthly meanings
A star is what I want to be
When I have been knocked out of living
All Death delay and end avoided
We pray to survive the coming winter
All life and living things are shifting
in and out of the sacred design
The Old grow older and the young stay young
and cold and bright are changing form
all things lay secret, unknown and still
no knowing how long they've been laying
and undiscovered to remain they will
no sense in disturbing the living
In Jesus' Name,
"Quiet of Night"
Quiet Of Night Brings With It a Kind of Stillness
I lay awake, Listening to the patient sounds of the house
Little Creakings and Rising and falling of cars on the highway
Little apparitions reminding me that I am not alone after all
Little voices whispering softly to themselves in the stillness
Things undone and things that desperately need to be done
Waiting for my little boy's footfall on the doorstep
Listening for his own cheerful knock
Being alone and the comforts of the peace therein
The feeling of safety that noone is pursuing oneself
that things are peaceful and safe in an eddy of time
quietly locked away like a little jewelry box
softly waiting to be opened by the boy who loves me
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, November 10, 2017

"Love Poem"
If I told you I love you I would be too shy to tell you
That you get me though dark nights when I cannot see
And when I feel I cannot go one I imagine you fighting there
and I pray and hold on and it keeps me from dying
It's funny that one can do anything one sets one's mind to do
That if you dream it you can build it
That anything is possible when you have faith
I wanted to fly away on the wind like a maple seed with wings
I wanted to be happy but I feared I was dying
I didn't want to die and I didn't want to lose my transient form
energies shifting in and out of being
They say the body is but a vehicle for the spirit
That all good things are just a matter of time
I told you that I loved you and I meant it with my whole heart
May it be enough wind to fill the sails and carry me home
In Jesus' Name,
"Poem to my Husband Who Does Not Exist"
I sent you a little treat today like a fruitcake in foil
I sent you the little creek I played beside as a child
We held hands and wandered along the riverbank
Watching butterflies blue ones careening in and out of the sunlight
I felt a peace come to me and I decided to get better
that getting well may be the only thing left for me to do
It was a sad moment, surrender, shen all you want to do is cry
so you hold one another in ravaged arms that are afraid
disparity and desperation coursing through the blood

Noone knows where the road may lead
Where One day leads on into the next
My little creek of trickling rainwater
Is coursing through my heart like the blood in my veins
You put your arms around me with a tender smile
A hope I can do anything with your arms around me
Because Lord knows we have Such a long way to go

A long way to go and many moons to survive
There is alot of cabbage and cauliflower that needs to be snacked on
There are alot of lonely days to trudge through
The autumn ruffles my hair and I feel as though I can go on
Lord knows I'll do my best to get there

And in the coming days I'll nurse thee well
Like a slow cloud rolling along the horizon
Things effervescent transient moving into and out
of being like a waking dream or some hope
that has quietly been transformed into an audible prayer
and tinkles like little bells all along the horizon
in fits of sound
In Jesus' Name,
I buried my fists into my pockets and looked up to the sky
As though no answer would ever come
As though something flying though the air would never land
The dormant world lay waiting for a signal
A sign a reason to begin the world lay still under the wide open sky
listening for eternity to break free through the abyss of sound
listening for some angel trumpet to harken from the horiaon
for a drum beating in the deep or a horror to cry out in the night
listening for an answer in the night poised like a hair trigger
listening like the pricked back ears of a snowshoe hair
I lay back into autumn leaves and opened my heart and listened
just like everything else I jusr stilled my mind and listened
then we were all listening together like one heart and one mind
In Jesus' Name,