Friday, November 3, 2017

When People Need Help, They Really Need Help.
I look all around me and I see-- alot of Pain.  Alot of suffering. alot.  There are people who need help all around.  There are people within my sphere who need help.  Alot of people are dying of sadness!
Alot of people I love are in alot of Pain, and I'm trying to help them.
My father is in Agony right now, and I cannot figure out how to help him.  He is very unhappy.  I try to think about things that will make him feel better, but I don't have any money.  If I had money I could buy the comforts my family needs.  But I don't have any money.  That's really why they're Unhappy.  We all need some money.  We need some money.  All of us.
So... I think to myself, "What I need to do is go Out into the World and Find Some Money."
So I go out and I look.  I get on the internet and look for places I can make money.
I knock on doors and hope they will open.  They never open.  Sometimes one opportunity will let me in, and I will be allowed to grow and thrive and adapt and live and learn... and someday, I'm going to find one that will let me make money! 
I can pray.  That's all I can do. 
Jesus said "Let Me Make This Mountain a Molehill."  And it did!  I think, he told us to pray to God to make our troubles go away.... and they did.  I pray for there to be a way to make some money.  I tried to open a maid business but that beautiful little flower of hope got snuffed out by some surgeon's masks with vaccuum cleaners.  It was evil.  I thought, "Well that's wicked...." and went on with my life.  (That's all you can do!=) ^_^
So I am trying to open a door that will answer me and give me the money I need so I can feed my family.  Not just the one living in my house but my parents and grandparents, brother and sister and cousins, aunts and uncles, and close friends.  So I will get up and go out every day and try to make the world a better place.  I will continue praying and waiting to grow.  And I will continue turniung the other cheek.  That's all you can do. "No" is just a two-letter word.  And it doesn't scare me.
Like JOan of Arc Said, When you get knocked down, you just get back up and fight harder.
You fight harder.
Thank You,
Caroline Sullivan

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