Friday, November 3, 2017

"Helping Others"
If You Want To Save Someone's Life, You Should Be Allowed To Do It.  It's a Basic Principle of Suffering.  Akin to the Sctripture When God Said, "Let There Be Light" in Genesis Chapter One.  God said, "Let There Be Light." And suddenly, there was light.... / light is a "way through" a darkness that needed to be penetrated and made whole and right and good again.  "where there was dark energy," "let there be light" = hope for the human race.  so when we pray for help, God is willing that we ought to recieve that help that we so earnestly seek.  You are supposed to "ask, and ye shall recieve.  Knock and the door Shall Be Opened.  Seek, and Ye Shall Find."
So, when we want to help another person in some way that would benefit them; we should not be prevented from doing so.  Flowers bloom and die.  weeds grow.  life grows and adapts and changes.  It heals.  Scabs come off.  Wars ebb and fade.  Peace comes to the mind.  Rivers change course and melt into tributaries.  Things pass away like the rivers.  This too shall pass.
So when I am trying to save a life, God Should never prevent this life from being saved.  To prevent something new from growing and adapting and changing and spreading its wings and flying away is... well, unnatural.  And the Unnatural is pretty much the Evil.
So If I look at a person and I want to help them, you ought to let me help them.  One can only feel "Powerless" for just so long.  You can stunt the growth of a great oak or fir tree for only just so long...and then it must grow up and burst the dam and become a full size tree.  It is the way of the world.  Growth and change.  You know, the universe.  the structure of it.  Don't be unnatural.  The unnatural is the nature of the disease.  If something cries out for help, you Ought to help it. "Heal"
Heal the Person you can heal.  Do what you can, where you are.  Do it today.  Do it now.  Life is ever changing.  Time passes.  If you don't do what you can, when you see the problem, then bad things will happen, the problem will grow.
So in conclusion--- If you see me trying to grow, don't ever inhibit my growth again.  I am a child of the One High God, and I am growing like every other little sunflower of tuna fish in the sea.  Let us grow.  let Life Be.  Live and Let Live.  Kill Ye Not Lest Ye Yourselves Be Killed.  So...
Don't tell me what to do.
Thank You,
Caroline Sullivan

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